8 Principles that Should Inform the Way Christians Vote

8 Principles that Should Inform the Way Christians Vote

In this election, it is vital to remember that we should not vote based upon personalities.  Instead, we should cast a vote that is guided by principles.  Here are 8 of the most important principles that Christians should consider before casting their vote this Tuesday:

(1) Vote for the candidate that will uphold the right to life.

Without the right to life, none of the rest of our freedoms matter.

David makes it very clear that his life began at conception (Psalm 139).

(2) Vote for the candidate that values freedom of speech.

Free speech is a powerful ally in spreading the Christian message throughout this nation and the world (Matthew 28:19-20).

Never in our nation’s history has free speech been as suppressed as it is today.

(3) Vote for the candidate that values the freedom of religion.

Christians ought to be able to express their beliefs publicly without fear of retribution from the government or others (Romans 13:3-4).

The more our nation strays from the principles of its founding, the more our government sees religion as a threat to its own power.

(4) Vote for the candidate that values law and order.

The purpose of human governments is to punish evil-doers, reward the good, and provide justice (Romans 13:3-4).

Vote for the candidate that promotes law and order and opposes the rampant rioting and looting that is being permitted in many of our largest cities.

(5) Vote for the candidate that values the separation of powers in our government.

The founders of our nation understood that mankind is fundamentally flawed (Jeremiah 17:9).

So they set up three branches of government to provide transparency and accountability, without which human depravity abounds (no party is excluded).

Over the years, the Supreme Court has been packed with Judges who legislate based on their own whims rather than the constitution that they pledged to uphold.

(6) Vote for the candidate who values the right to bear arms.

The right to bear arms was taught by Christ (Luke 22:35-39) and is a critical component to a free and safe society.

An armed citizenry is a deterrent to evil-doers, both foreign and domestic.

(7) Vote for the candidate who values personal property rights.

God, as the owner of all things, has entrusted mankind with personal property rights.

We are commanded not to steal the property of others (Exodus 20:15), and not to infringe on others’ property boundaries (Deuteronomy 19:14).

Government has the tendency to violate the personal property rights of its citizen through ever-growing taxation, confiscation of private property, and burdensome regulations that increasingly infringe on the private property rights of property owners.

(8) Vote for the candidate who will protect Christian family values.

Cultures rise and fall on the strength or weakness of the family.

Marriage must be defined Scripturally and naturally, as a union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24).

Parents must be allowed to teach their children that there are only 2 genders, male and female (Genesis 5:2) without fear of government intervention.

Parents must be allowed to religiously educate their children without fear of government intervention (Deuteronomy 6:4-7).


When voting, it is critical that Christians evaluate each candidate’s positions on these critical issues, and then vote for the candidate who best aligns with these issues.  Vote on principle, not personality!


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