

How to Thrive During Frightening Times

With all the chaos going on right now, how are you holding up? My prayer for you is that you would not just survive this season, but thrive spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. In Philippians 4 the Apostle Paul lays out 6 practices that can transform your trials into opportunities for growth and greater effectiveness. (1) Learn to rejoice Always – “Rejoice…

How to Break Destructive Ways of Thinking

What you think has everything to do with the way you behave. If your thoughts are destructive, your actions will bring those thoughts to life. We’ve been forging these destructive thought processes since childhood and practicing them sometimes thousands upon thousands of times. The corrupt world around us only reinforces those negative thought processes as it seeks…

The Best Reason to Follow Jesus

Are you following Jesus for Jesus’ sake, or are you following Him for what He provides you? Initially, I would say that most of us came to Jesus because of what He offers us: eternal life, the forgiveness of sins, hope, peace, security, and more. Paul helps us to understand that there’s an even better reason for following Jesus, and that’s knowing Him…